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Give me a word. . . ANY word. . . and I will show you that the root of that word. . . is GREEK! |
http://www.macroevolution.net/root-word-dictionary.html and https://www.msu.edu/~defores1/gre/roots/gre_rts_afx2.htm if you're interested.
Keep in mind I think this website is mostly for scientific words so the results might be a little weird...and also, I'm just using the closest "roots" I can find.
Here are the names and words I researched:
- Leontes :
- leio- Smooth
- leon- Lion
- leo, leonis — Lion.
- Hermoine
- hemi- Half
- hem- or heme- or hemi- or hemo- [from Greek aima blood] Denotes blood
- (Admit it. Half-blood. You're thinking about Harry Potter RIGHT NOW. Be real people. This Hermoine isn't actually a moodblood!).
- here - stick, (adhere)
- mania [from Latin mania mania, mental disorder] Mania, obsession (dipsomania).
- Florizel
- flora /FLORE-uh/ (1) the plant life, as opposed to animal life (fauna) of an era, geographic region, or biome
- -el or -ella or -elle Little one, small (fontanelle).
- Mamillius
- mammal A member of the vertebrate class Mammalia. Mammals nurse their young with milk.
- mille, milis — Thousand.
- Perdita
- per-Through, during
- dia — Through, by.
- dis — (1) Double, twice. (2) not
- Polixenes
- poli - city
- pel - drive, urge
- xenos — Stranger, foreigner.
- Autolycus
- auto- Self (autolysis).
- lykos — Wolf.
- lysis — Loosing, breaking up, parting, releasing.
- lacuna, lacunae — Hollow, pit, cavity, space.
So. . . not quite the huge insight I was hoping for; most of these make little or no sense (at least on the surface). . . probably because he didn't look at the greek and latin roots for every single character's name.
However, I found "self - auto" to be interesting, Autolycis being a selfish character.
Polixenes was indeed from a foreign city.
Was Leontes smooth? Maybe in a sarcastic sense (Did Shakespeare speak sarcasm?) On the other hand, it would possibly be more insightful to look up the symbolism of Lions in the Elizabethan era.
Hermoine, blood, and obsession.... somewhat make sense.
But as far as the rest of the names, they seem completely random to me.
Now let's look at some words from the last act:
- Preposterous
- Context: Clown: "Ay, ore else 'twere har luck, being in so preposterous estate as we are"
- Explanation in the book:"the clown seemed to intend prosperous but since the word preposterous brings together contraries [the before and after] it also signals an inversion by which the shepherds have become gentleman born."
- Dictionary Definition: outrageous or absurd; going very much against what is thought to be sensible or reasonable
- pre- In front of, anterior to
- post- After, behind
- ous Abounding in, having, possessing
- Professor
- Context: Servant describing beauty of Perdita: "This is a creature, would she begin a sect, might quench the zeal of all professors else..."
- Explanation in the book: those who profess other faiths
- Dictionary Definition: (1) University teacher (2) somebody who professes a religious or other belief
- pro- Favoring, supporting, preceding
- ferous Bearing, carrying, or producing the thing indicated by the root or prefix

Interesting. . .I am lead to conclude that Shakespeare had way too much time on his hands. I remember there being some more insightful examples, and I will post any that I stumble upon in the future.
Great post! Some very interesting stuff.
ReplyDeleteWhen I think of what "Perdita" could mean, I think of the word "perdido" or "perdida" in Spanish (and I think it's the same in Latin), which means "lost." That might have more meaning that "per-dia" or "per-dis."
And great reference to "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"! haha
ReplyDeleteChrista you are the bomb, that was a great post. I am going to have to disagree... it was very insightful. Haha. I hope you don't take me too seriously.
ReplyDeleteBut seriously...
King Leontes being referenced to lion. Great description for a "my way or the highway" king.
Hermoine, half-blood is halarious because we are following J.K. Rowlings train of thought. Also I am going to post more about that.
Lykos meaning wolf. That is good for Autolykos. He is a "sly dog."
I wonder what Camillo could mean and if it has to do with loyalty. I will look it up.
Thanks for the research.
I thought it was cool too how Leontes was compared to a lion. It makes the contrast between him and Polixenes even more apparent if Polixenes really is reminiscent of a stranger or foreigner. It makes Leontes look even more domineering and controlling.
ReplyDeleteAlso to do the group thing on the side my blog I might have to show you in class but you can do it all in the Design tab on the dashboard. You can experiment with it if you can figure it out but just ask me in class if you need me to show you!
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ReplyDeleteAh I didn't even think about "perdida" meaning lost but it totally makes sense! (So much for taking 5 years of Spanish in grade school, a lot of good it did me haha). Thanks for the insight! And thanks Kelsie, I'll have to remember to ask you tomorrow :)